Midwest Division (MiDiv) is one of nine geographic divisions within
the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA), covering an area from the
Mississippi River to the High Plains, from the Black Hills to the
Red River. SCCA is divided into Divisions for competition purposes,
and further into Regions which are the local clubs within SCCA.
There are 14 Regions within the Midwest Division. The MidWest Division Operations Manual can be found here. To learn more
about the Regions in your locale, or to find local contacts, go
to the Links page and click on the Region
names. To learn more about SCCA, or if you are from another part
of the country, go to the Links page and
click on the "SCCA HOME PAGE" link.
SCCA is one of the largest participant motorsport organizations
in the country, with more than 63,000 members nationwide. Local
Regions within the Midwest Division range from as few as 50
members to around 700. |
on the Regional level includes Solo (autocross), rallycross and road
rally. These are competitions open to just about anyone in virtually
any car, including cars which are completely unmodified. Regions
also conduct road races and time trials at the seven MiDiv tracks, and some also
have Performance Driving Experience events on the race tracks,
open to almost anyone. To participate in a Regional solo, rally, or rallycross event, SCCA membership is not required, but you will get a Weekend Membership which kicks in SCCA's insurance coverage for you. Drivers must be licensed
in their home state, except for those in the Junior Kart program.
Rally navigators also do not have to be licensed. To go road racing, a current full membership
and competition license must be in force. Many SCCA members also
participate in road racing as race workers, the officials who
man the corner stations, patrol the pits, work in timing & scoring,
or serve as race stewards. Novice workers are eagerly welcomed in all specialties and can enjoy the experience with a Weekend Membership.
a Solo competition, drivers compete over a relatively low-speed
course marked by pylons (traffic cones), but you are still trying
to go as fast as you can, and hitting a pylon adds 2 seconds
to your time. In an average Solo competition, a driver gets
3-5 runs, but usually no practice. A walk through the course
(or several) is the only look a driver gets. No special safety
gear is required beyond a helmet, and loaner helmets are usually
available. Solo has numerous classes for cars in Stock, Street
Touring, Street Prepared, Street Modified, Prepared or Modified trim (including
125cc shifter karts), plus a parallel set of Ladies classes. Many
Regions also have added classes for novice drivers or cars running
on street tires. In addition, SCCA has added Solo
competition for
drivers as young as five years old in three classes of junior karts. Often two or more drivers share a single
car. Beyond the Regional level, MiDiv conducts the Solo Performance
Specialities/R&S Racing Midwest Division Solo Championship
series, a competition across 4-5 weekends which brings together the top drivers
from through out the division. Drivers must be members to compete for points
in the Solo Performance
Specialities/R&S Racing series. The ultimate goal for autocrossers is the SCCA Solo National
Championship, conducted every September in Lincoln, Neb.
Rallycross simulates the type of driving done in performance rallies but is essentially autocross on dirt or grass with autocross-style safety parameters. It is done in cars usually classed as FWD, RWD or AWD and whether prepared or not. Usually a driver may do several consecutive laps, each separately timed, and hitting a pylon adds time penalties. Sometimes a worst lap may be thrown out. Some events may offer a driver two sequences of laps. Helmets are required, and generally only closed (hardtop) cars are permitted. Two or more drivers may share a car. There is a national championship, which has been held in locales including Tulsa, OK; Topeka, KS, Greenwood, NE and Indianola, IA.
road rally is a course-finding contest. A driver-navigator team
attempts to cover a predetermined but unknown course laid out over
public roads. Classes are based on equipment, which can range from
computer-equipped rally cars to those with no special gear at all
beyond a stopwatch. Many regions also add a novice class for rallies.
Speeds are always legal highway speeds. Most common is the TSD rally
- time, speed, distance - where the rallymaster establishes precise
average speeds that must be driven during the course of the rally.
The object is to arrive at checkpoints exactly on time, neither
early nor late. A local TSD may last an hour or two, while higher-level
competitions may go for several hours. "Gimmick" rallies may use
other means to take the rallyists through the course, including
puzzle solving, hare-and-hounds, poker runs, map following, or whatever
a rallymaster might imagine. Often designed to lead the rallyists
off course, the contest is to determine the exact mileage of the
true course. In some years there also has been a Divisional-level
Midwest Division Road Rally Championship, a series of TSD rallies
leading to driver and navigator championships in the Equipped, Limited
and Stock classes. If not a member, Weekend Membership is required to participate in
the events, but full membership is required to score points in the championship.
Rally teams also may aspire to the U.S. Road Rally Championship,
a series of three events in as many days which has been held in locales from Washington, DC, to Alaska.
part of some road racing weekends a Region may offer a non-competitive
Performance Driving Experience, in which just about any legal
adult with a driver's
license can lap the race track at speed (almost) in their street
cars. Membership or Weekend Membership is required. The
only required safety equipment, beyond stock seatbelts, is a
Solo-legal helmet. Operated as a driving school, the purpose
of the clinic is to teach car control in a high-performance environment
performance" has more to do with the level of driving skill
than with the cars). Participants may get as much as two hours
of track time during one PDX. Rigid safety rules are imposed
including strictly enforced passing zones only on straightaways,
and passing protocols (the leading driver must wave you by).
The longest straights may have chicanes added to hold down top
speed, but corners are the same for the PDX as for the race
drivers. An PDX is a way anyone can get a taste of performance
driving without actually laying out the budget to go racing.
Beyond the PDX, members can step up to the similar but competitive Time Trials events (and in other parts of the country, Hillclimbs). Rules are somewhat
more liberal than PDX, such as passing in corners is allowed but still with a wave-by.
Midwest Division’s Time Trials Championship involves events usually run in conjunction with
Regional Races, or can be stand-alone events. Drivers get a practice session and a series of
timed competitive sessions to set their fastest lap. Each competitive session is a separate
event in the championship. Time Trials drivers can aspire to the Time Trials National
Championship in late September in bowling Green, KY.
also put on road races at the seven tracks within MiDiv - Gateway Motorsports Park,
(St. Louis), Hallett Motor Racing Circuit (Tulsa), Heartland Motorsports Park (Topeka), Memphis International Raceway (Millington, TN), Raceway Park of the Midlands (Glenwood, IA - south of Omaha), Motorsports Park Hastings (Mid-Nebraska), and Iowa Speedway (Newton, IA). Races are conducted either
by individual Regions or jointly with neighboring Regions, but
championship competition is done on a Divisional level. Current
point standings for the Mid-Am Championship, and MiDiv's road racing series
- National Racing, the Mid-Am Championship, and the I.T. Tour -
can be found elsewhere on this website. National Racing is only
for drivers carrying a National Competition License. Drivers compete
for the Mid-Am Championships in 3 1/2 dozen classes ranging from Showroom
Spec Miata to Formula Atlantic including the classes eligible to qualify for The
Runoffs, the SCCA National Championships, held each year at tracks such as Road America, Mid-Ohio, Laguna Seca, Daytona International Speedway, and Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Any SCCA competition license, including a
Novice Permit, qualifies a driver to compete for the Mid-Am Championship.
The Midwest Division schedule includes Super Tour, Majors and Regional Races, all of which score in the MidAm Championship. The Majors also score in the Mid-States Conference, comprising the Midwest and Rocky Mountain Divisions.
started in SCCA does not require any special car preparation or,
in many cases, even membership. Just find your local region, check
its schedule of Solo, rallycross, or rally events, and show up driving whatever
is in your driveway. "Every car is a sports car . sometime," says
one of our MiDiv Regions. If you're not a member, they'll sell you a Weekend Membership on the spot. Full Membership, of course, has its benefits.
A most obvious one is SportsCar Magazine, sent to every member.
Some benefits are less obvious but more valuable such as the qualification
to compete for Divisional and National championships and the SCCA
insurance program, which provides an increased level of participant
accident coverage. But mostly, in SCCA you will forge friendships
and discover a camaraderie that for most of us is the No. 1 reason
for being a member.